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    turtles 結果共6筆

  • Taipei rescues 130 turtles, celebrates World Turtle Day

    Discover how Taipei’s Animal Protection Office is championing turtle conservation, rescuing 130 turtles since January and urging public cooperation on World Turtle Day. Learn about their efforts and how you can help.
    2024/05/23 18:09
  • Taiwan to open marine conservation education center in July

    The Ocean Conservation Administration (OCA) renews its MOU with the National Museum of Natural Science and the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium to boost marine conservation and science education, announcing the opening of a new marine conservation education center in Central Taiwan by July 2024. The collaboration, deepened on World Earth Day, aims to enhance marine wildlife habitat and wetland conservation efforts, alongside a sea turtle rehabilitation project showing significant success in wildlife rescue endeavors.
    2024/04/22 15:25
  • Satellite-tagged sea turtle triumphs over tumors in Taiwan

    A green sea turtle, previously afflicted with tumors, was released back into the wild in Taitung’s Shanyuan Bay. Rescued from a fishing net in July 2023, the turtle underwent successful treatment at the National Museum of Biology & Aquarium in Pingtung. Dr. Chen I-chun noted the increasing number of sea turtles with tumors globally, particularly along the eastern coast of Taiwan. Marine pollution or viral infections are suspected causes. The released turtle, the second in Taiwan to recover from a tumor, brings hope for the preservation of marine life.
    2024/01/18 16:16
  • DPP Lai joins sea turtle release, advocates conservation

    DPP vice-presidential candidate Lai Ching-te attended a marine conservation event in Hengchun Township, where he witnessed healed sea turtles being returned to the ocean. The event, hosted by the Marine Animals Rescue Network (MARN), showcased efforts to rescue and rehabilitate injured marine protected species. MARN has successfully released 393 recovered marine animals back into the wild since its inception four years ago. The Ocean Affairs Council Director-General emphasized the integration of resources to establish MARN, which now operates six stations across Taiwan. This year alone, 23 whales, dolphins, and 163 sea turtles have been released, with seven turtles equipped with satellite transmitters. The rescue efforts have revealed instances of marine debris inside the stomachs of turtles, highlighting the issue of ocean pollution. Lai Ching-te presented letters of appreciation to honor the dedication of the rescue teams. Currently, 11 stranded and injured sea turtles are under care at the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium. Lai emphasized the importance of a national marine policy and urged the public to actively engage in marine conservation.
    2023/12/02 12:12
  • 新加坡驚見「忍者龜騎士」 背上盔甲疑是這種瀕危生物

    電影《忍者龜:變種大亂鬥》(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem)日前剛於美國上映,而新加坡街頭近日也正好出現一名「忍者龜騎士」,他背著彷彿盔甲般的物體騎車,令人誤以為是幫電影宣傳,在網路上引起熱議;後續男子澄清那是一尾25公斤重的魟魚,而專家表示,這可能是極度瀕危的物種。
    2023/08/07 11:10
  • 邊打電動邊聞香 Xbox聯名搖桿竟飄出「披薩香」

    忍者龜新作動畫電影《忍者龜:變種大亂鬥》(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem)即將在8月上映,微軟(Microsoft)為了慶祝電影上映,以忍者龜爲主題推出了限量版聯名XBOX搖桿。搖桿上除了有忍者龜的圖案外,更裝有披薩造型的擴香器,是世界上第一個會散發出披薩香味的搖桿!
    2023/07/25 13:17
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